The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a landmark event in American history. It was the first time a group of American pioneers had set out on a journey of exploration and discovery. The expedition was also an important milestone in the development of the United States.
What was Lewis and Clark’s most important discovery?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was the first major expedition to cross the United States. Their most important discovery was the discovery of the Missouri River.
What was the impact of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was an exploration and survey of the American Northwest in 1804-1805. It was the first time Americans had ever set foot in that area and the first time Europeans had seen the Oregon Trail. The expedition was also a landmark in American history, as it helped to establish the United States as a country.
What were three impacts of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a historic expedition that traveled through the Northwest Territory in 1805-1806. The expedition was commanded by General Lewis and Captain Clark. The expedition was made to explore the new land and learn about its natural resources. The expedition also visited many Native American settlements.
Why did Lewis and Clark explore the west?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was a group of Americans who were exploring the west in 1804. They were looking for a new route to the Pacific Ocean.
Why was the Lewis and Clark Expedition important to Thomas Jefferson?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition was important to Thomas Jefferson because it helped him learn about America and its history.
What did Lewis and Clark discover?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition discovered the Missouri River and the Northwest Territory.